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我的音樂故事 我生命中的男人和我們的歌

By Mindy 明蒂

2014年8月12日 (一)


I am fortunate to have met so many good men in my life. They were all sweet in their own ways. I was never mistreated, yelled at, or worse, hit. None of these relationship worked out at the end. But when I think of each one of them, I remember a specific song. 
我長期男友C和我住在一起有一段時間。他十分甜蜜體貼。他很照顧我。我們生活在一起有很美好的幾年。我們做了所有的情人喜歡的事,看電影,去餐館,去派對,去了很遠的地方,只要我們兩個在一起就好了。我們喜歡旅行。和他在一起的時候,我覺得很安全。當他心情好的時候,他會一直放 Phil Collin 的 A Groovy Kind of Love 給我聽。是C真誠的心情!

My long-term boyfriend C and I lived together for a while. He was sweet and considerate. He took really good care of me. We had a wonderful few years of life together. We did all the couple things, like watching movies, eating at restaurants, going to parties, and to far away places. We loved traveling. I felt safe when I was with him. He liked to play Phil Collin’s A Groovy Kind of Love to me when he was in a happy mood. It was how he felt. 

我的第一個男朋友O是我大學的甜心。他勤奮好學,雄心勃勃。當他在高中時,他己有了自己的十年人生規劃。他清楚地知道他長大想成為什麼樣的人。他想成為一名醫生,結婚,生小孩。當我在我們三十多歲又碰到他時,他已經開始思考自己的退休計劃。他送給我的歌是 Celine Dion 的 Because You Loved Me。這是O希望我能感覺的心情! 

My first boyfriend O was my college sweet heart. He was studious and ambitious. When he was in high school, he mapped out his life plan. He knew exactly what he wanted to be when he grew up. He wanted to become a doctor, get married, and have kids. When I saw him again in our thirties, he was already thinking about his retirement plan. The song he gave me was Celine Dion’s Because You Loved Me. This was how he wanted me to feel about him. 

我大學暗戀 A. 他很聰明友善。 當我告訴他我喜歡他,他拒絕了我。但我還是常常去找他。這是好的,我可以接受被拒絕。他把他最喜歡的歌,錄在錄音帶,送給我。他最喜歡的歌是The Cure 的 Picture of You。 

I had a crash on A when I was in college. He was smart and nice. When I told me I liked him, he did not like me back. I still went to visit him often after I told him. I was okay. I could take rejections. He took songs he liked and made me a tape. His favorite song, which he included in the tape, was The Cure's Picture of You. 

These songs are different. Each one of them gives a different mood, just like these men in my life. 
Which one do you like the best? What songs do you have in your life?





