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我的音樂故事 『The Greatest Thing』: 最純善正向的大愛之歌

By Danial Chang

2015年3月16日 (六)

這首歌是Lady Gaga寫給Cher(雪兒)的,原本要收錄在2013年雪兒發行的『Close to truth』中,後來不知其中哪個環節出問題,這首歌便沒有如原先預期的出現在專輯裡,其實最早在2011年就流出Gaga原先的demo,那時剛好恰逢家中長輩過世,所以聽到這首歌的旋律特別有感觸。

後來2年後的暑假剛入伍服役不久,這首錄音室的版本就悄悄被流出了,據說當時Gaga接受專訪時有說她對於這樣的結果不滿意,可能就是沒收錄專輯的其中原因吧。流出的final version是由Redone擔任製作人,也挺意外"雪兒"竟然是跟Gaga合唱,原先一直以為她會自己撐整首!這首看似電音舞曲其實也藏有情歌的基因,加上以鋼琴伴奏作為催化劑,一聽到這首舞曲就覺得它非常特別,能在其中感受到快樂的傷感,所以我一聽就愛上啦!只不過認真的覺得沒收進專輯給歌迷收藏挺可惜的,雖然未來發行機率也不高,依然希望有朝一日能陳設在實體店面了!​

歌詞的面相挺感人肺腑的,對象也可以很多元,可以是自己跟自己對話,也可以拿來獻給自己親愛的親人、摯友或是愛人,You are the greatest! 就是經歷低潮時的最佳良藥!

The Greatest Thing

I don't know why you hurt inside,
or what was said to make you cry.
I hope that you can see,
you are the greatest thing to me.

I dont wa-wanna waste another day,
without telling you that baby youre great.
And I can see it written on your face,
G-R-E-A-T, its all that you can be.

'Cause when I'm with you, I fall apart,
to heal your permanently broken heart.
Baby, you're the greatest to me,
know no matter what, what, what.
I don't know why you hurt inside,
or what was said to make you cry.
I hope that you can see,
you are the greatest thing to me.
And when, you're feeling like you're not enough,
I'll give you wings, Ill lift you up.
I hope that you can see,
you are the greatest, greatest thing to me.

Lady Gaga:
When all your thoughts are dark and insecure,
Ill build you a light,
Cause baby Im sure that loving you has made me better,
I take on your shadows,
and make sure that you shine.

Cher and Lady Gaga:
'Cause when I'm with you, I fall apart,
to heal your permanently broken heart.
Baby, you're the greatest to me,
know no matter what, what, what.
I don't know why you hurt inside,
or what was said to make you cry.
I hope that you can see,
you are the greatest thing to me.
And when, youre feeling like you're not enough,
I'll give you wings, Ill lift you up.
I hope that you can see,
you are the greatest, greatest thing to me.

The greatest thing, greatest thing, greatest thing to me,
gonna re-repeat myself so I know that yall are listening.
The greatest thing, greatest thing, greatest thing to me,
gonna re-repeat myself so I know that yall are listening.

Cher and Lady Gaga:
'Cause when I'm with you, I fall apart,
to heal your permanently broken heart.
Baby, you're the greatest to me,
know no matter what, what, what.
I don't know why you hurt inside,
or what was said to make you cry.
I hope that you can see,
you are the greatest thing to me.
And when, youre feeling like you're not enough.
I'll give you wings, Ill lift you up.
I hope that you can see,
you are the greatest, greatest thing to me.



